Monday, February 4, 2008

read together

BANDOLERO proudly presents THE LETTER: Our new show in which we invite you to pick a page from a 144-page breakup letter to be read for the first time ever.

The letter is real, it's handwritten, and it's 144 damn pages. There's no predicting what might be found on any given page - Anger! Remorse! Newspaper clippings! - but whatever it is, we'll use it as the jumping-off point for our improv piece.

Audience members are encouraged to bring in their own bits of correspondence or breakup-related material for BANDOLERO to use for the show.

Followed by THREAT with their new tarot-informed show, "Fool's Journey".

Tuesday night, 9:30, the Peoples Improv Theater, $5,

Bandolero is Santo D'Asaro, Tara Giordano, Kevin Gottlieb, Geoff Grimwood, Seena Jon, Steve Pasieka, Betsy Winchester.

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